Captain’s B-Log

Ticking the Box in style!

Wed, 24 Feb 2021 20:22:36 GMT

Making dreams a reality, this amazing group of offshore sailors take on the SAS Day Skippers Course with positive energy, excitement and total commitment! during the February 2021. intake.

​Filled with fun, excitement, adventure and living life to the full, Rory Grobler, Werner Scheepers, Justus van der Hoven and Erin Rupert soaked up a week of exhilarating offshore sailing, learning, fishing and building friendships whilst in Knysna with Southern Yachting Academy. 

Mostly achieving scores of 90%+ for the Short Range Certificate and the SA Sailing Day Skipper examinations, these fine students all departed on the same high as when they arrived..   ​Well done and congratulations Day Skippers !!!

October 16th, 2020

Fri, 16 Oct 2020 07:57:35 GMT

Remy Tournayre and Van Zyl Steenekamp prepare for thier SAS Day Skipper examination with Southern Yachting Academy in Knysna this weekend. Great weather and sea conditions, whales, seals, tons of birdlife and a penguin for sideline entertainment.
​Traversing the Knysna lagoon, navigating the Knysna Heads and day sailing in the bay between Walker Point to the west and Noetzie to the East, forty hours of practical offshore sailing training meets their logbook requirment.
​Sailing the Med. on the cards soon….

Sat, 15 Aug 2020 13:41:10 GMT

Southern Yachting Academy students Michael Rosenmann, Jaco Yssel, Richard Whittaker and Roxy de Saint Pernsa demonstrate in this video how to retrieve a Man Over Board (MOB) using the figure of eight method. 

The August Day Skipper Course in Mossel Bay with 20-30 kt winds most days made this an adventure to remember with this sailors confidently racing the yacht between buoys and way points on the fifth day.  Nice sailing fellas!

Mon, 10 Aug 2020 10:42:32 GMT

Completing a coastal passage from Knysna and night entry into Mossel Bay, the Henderson brothers (Josh, Ben and Sam), Stephen Winter, Hennie du Preez and Mark Orpen settle into a week of offshore sailing training off Cape St Blaize. The warm hospitality of the Port Control, local guest houses, restaurants, the awesome cooking from Annette du Preez, the great sailing in a sheltered bay made this a memorable week of fun, laughter, learning new skills and generally a great adventure. Southern Yachting Academy hopes to enjoy the town during August with more offshore Day Skipper students during August 2020.

Thu, 05 Mar 2020 21:59:28 GMT

Regular checking for water leaks and sea water supply, flow and discharge though the heat exchange unit is critical to ensure the proper functioning of a diesel engine. 

​Should a seal or impeller perish the sea water flow into the fresh water cooling system will slow or cease, causing broken pieces of rubber to get stuck in the sieve of the heat exchange unit, causing overheating of the engine and damaging the engine head.

A useful tip here is to use 1500 git water paper to remove any minor corrosion, sodium deposits, hardened old gaskets, etc.
Remember to close the sea cocks before removing the impeller unit (or cover) and then ensue the sea cock is opened again once all pipes are reconnected and before starting the engine when done.

The video below shows how to remove the sea water feeder pipe to engine, dismantle the impeller housing from the engine block, change the impeller, seals, bearing, gaskets and/or o-ring and put it all back together again; by one of Southern Yachting Academy instructors. 

Tue, 25 Feb 2020 07:25:28 GMT

The LDYC 2020 Round the Island Regatta attracted 220 entries on 01-02 Feb 2020. Southern Yachting Academy (Knysna) featured both as a participant in the event on a vdStadt 23 as well as a major prize sponsor. This was an amazing weekend of competitive inland sailing, live music, socialising and making new friends.

Crewing with Austin Daly as skipper, we finished 4th overall and snatched the class gold! After all the ceremonies, Mark Orpen of Southern Yachting Academy, assisted by LDYC Commodore Luke Quinn, announced the lucky draw prize winner Hennie du Preez, who will be in Knysna during May 2020 to complete his SA Sailing Offshore Day Skipper License.  Well done Hennie!

This fantastic inland (Round the Island Regatta) sailing event is certainly worthy for yachties from around the country to enter in 2021! Start planning soon; see you all next year.

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